Tuesday, 13 November 2012

 These are the first plein air sketches I ever attempted. While I don't want to get too retrospective, the shorter days mean I don't get chance to get out painting during the week after work at the moment, so I thought I'd do a few 'introductory' posts to get the blog up and running. I did the farm scene first on a cold Autumn morning a few years ago. I struggled through some woods to the fence that borders the farm, hoping no one would see me attempting my first effort. I'd just set up when I heard "Oi, What do you think you're doing?" It was the farmer walking towards me - I wasn't even on his land! Obviously he' not seen a box easel before. Or a paintbrush. Anyway I lasted about two hours until I couldn't feel my feet anymore.
    The second effort was the boat study. I sat at the edge of the water in the passenger seat of my car - again so no-one could come up behind me to see what i was doing! This was a quicker sketch using my little homemade pochade box.
   I think I was influenced by the artist David Curtis when painting these pictures, particularly the use of cobalt violet and cerulean blue, and the idea of painting into the light and creating lit edging.I'd been to an exhibition showing some of his work in Doncaster, and went out and bought one of his books. Its artists like him and Peter Brown [Pete the Street] that have inspired me to get out and try my hand at plein air painting.
    I welcome any comments on any of the paintings on this blog.
Farm scene, Skipwith common
14"x10" oil on board
Morning light, Goole Boatyard
10"x8" oil on board

Early Morning, Swinefleet Common
14"x10" oil on board

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